People are kids who need to be grown.

????????‍♀️ Just looking around… as people live in their own illusion.

????????People are kids who need to be grown. They do not know how to manifest in the real world : they only know their tasks at the job or the things inside their houses ????????‍♀️

????????‍♀️One must have patience to explain them when they are acting with ignorance towards others, when they manifest #ego or what is their inner wound that determined them to get upset/mad/angry.

???? These people need to be treated with so much love and patience ???? because they are like new borns in a world that they are not able to see or feel.

They lived so much in the lack of #love (from others or for themselves or for others) that they don’t even understand how to act respecting the ones around them.

It is my job to be patient with all these people and grow them through manifesting in interacting with other people.
And I am so grateful that I was given the occasion to grow myself through them. It is an amazing journey to discover people of all kinds ????

Love u all,

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