•EN below•
Astazi, a 3-a zi consecutiva de conectare in munti. A 3-a zi de trezit la 3 sau 5 dimineata. Am cerut, mi s-a dat aceasta misiune INCREDIBILA.
Seman iubirea impreuna cu voi pentru Noul Pamant. Mi s-au aratat cateva lucruri amazing, am vazut rani si lumina, am simtit atacuri, m-am inaltat pana Sus si am coborat inapoi caci au multi nevoie de mine. Mi s-au deschis inima si sufletul pentru Lumina si Abundenta.
Iar acum sunt AICI sa le dau mai departe catre cei ce vor sa primeasca.
Va iubesc ♾
Last 3 days I was up in the mountains connecting the Earth with the Skies.
I am here to download the Unconditional Love for the New Earth. These days I’ve seen amazing things in my #meditations , I’ve seen wounds and #light , I have felt energetic attacks, I went Up and came back with my feet on the ground … as I am needed here.
My heart opened for LOVE AND LIGHT and now, I am willing to give these divine gifts to anyone who’s prepared to receive them.
Infinite love to you all ♾????