O noua misiune…

En below ????????

Astazi am plecat de acasa (Bucuresti), am ajuns acasa (in Bucegi) si am terminat ziua tot acasa (la tara).

Anyways, ce vreau sa va comunic este ca am fost introdusa subtil, ca sa nu ma sperii, in noua misiune. Si este FASCINANTA ????

Momentan pot doar sa va comunic faptul ca se creaza o Noua Alianta pentru Noul Pamant … Sus si aici, pe planeta????.

We have work to do ????????????????

Today I was on the road .. from home (Bucharest) to my other home ( the Mountains) and stopped home 🙂 (the magic place @ #countryside)

Anyways, what I wanted to tell you is that I was introduced to the next mission. And it’s amazing and scary ????

All I can say for the moment is that a new Council of Light is being created for the New Earth ????

We have work to do ????????????????


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