distanceHealing (Ro below)
✅For some time I have also been practicing distance #healing – sometimes there are urgent cases that require energetic intervention from the Creator or recurring/daily cleanings/energizations.
💚Cleansing and energizing at distance have an amazing effect if there is COMMITMENT of the one who asks for the healing. I have seen people get out of depression after only 2-3 interventions or radical changes in life for others in just a few sessions.
👊🏻However, I have this belief that I strongly adhere to – to give up the idea that only the therapist or God has to make it good for u. Let’s give up asking for healing for every sneeze, headache or emotion because “SOMEONE ELSE will do it for me” .
💪🏻We OURSELVES have to commit to the process of healing.
Healing comes for those who #BELIEVE in it, in #God and for those who assume that they themselves have to transform something.
👉🏻The therapist is just a #guidance to see how to transform yourself in a “more optimal” way. Healing and evolution won’t come if we stay and wait for an outsider to come and do things for us.
✅Healing and #evolution will come for those who have the INNER WILL to change something.
—— RO ——
✅De ceva timp ma ocup si de vindecare la distanta – uneori sunt cazuri urgente ce necesita interventie energetica de la Creator sau curatari/energizari recurente/zilnice.
💚Au un efect amazing curatarile si energizarile la distanta daca exista asumarea celui care cere vindecarea. Am vazut oameni iesind din depresie dupa doar 2-3 interventii sau schimbari radicale in viata.
✅Este insa o regula la care tin foarte tare – sa renuntam la ideea ca doar terapeutul sau Dumnezeu trebuie sa faca sa fie bine pentru noi, sa renuntam la a cere vindecare pentru fiecare stranut, durere de cap sau emotie pasagera pentru ca “ALTcineva face ceva pentru noi ” – cand noi ar trebui sa facem asta. Si aici este ‘problema’ – asumarea!
👉🏻Vindecarea vine pentru cei care cred in ea, in Dumnezeu si pentru cei ce-si asuma ca (se) transforma. Vindecarea este un ajutor in a vedea “mai optim” cum sa transformam. Nicidecum ceva ce vine fara ca noi sa intelegem sau sa facem ceva.