✨En Below ✨
Am crezut ca revin in Romania si lucrurile vor intra pe fagasul normal. Au intrat, insa normalitatea este diferita de ceea ce credeam eu:
✔️ mesajul de Sus : este necesar sa replic energia Piramidelor in zona Tara Luanei (Unde este Bunica)
✔️ Cele 3 locatii portaluri – Trovantii – Nucu – Alunis – reprezinta baza piramidei, iar in varf este casa bunicii. Chiar la 200 m de casa este o piramida metalica unde meditam inca din copilarie invariabil, de fiecare data cand mergeam acolo. Imi suna atat de real ‘mamaie, ma duc la piramida’.
✔️ oricine simte sa join, azi- Trovanti, maine – Nucu, duminica – Alunis sa-mi scrie pentru detalii.
✔️ voi lucra pentru trimiterea Luminii catre aceasta Planeta si umanitate
✔️ vom organiza o zi de conectare la cele 3 locuri in curand
I thought that coming back to Romania would bring me to my casual routine. It did, but casual is different NOW .
✔️ I got the message that I ll have to bring the energies of the #pyramids in Tara Luanei – a very special place to me. These 3 places that are portals – #Trovanti – Nucu – Alunis – form the base of the energetic pyramid that has the top exactly at my grandma’s house.
So, I ll be connecting these 3 places with the energy of Sirius and Ascended Masters. God loves Romania ????????????
I’ll also continue sending light to everyone that needs light on the way.
Let’s make this world a better place ???? TOGETHER