Love flows through me from high above.

En below

Permit sa curga prin mine tot ce aveti nevoie de la Creator pentru calea voastra in evolutia sufletului.

Poate pare complex tot ce spun (acum sau alte dati) , insa de vreo cateva saptamani cer sa mi se arate calea. Si ieri a fost ziua in care mi s-a aratat – tot prin voi. A fost overwhelming ziua de ieri – cu emotii de toate felurilie – #iubire , comunicare cu cei de dincolo, constientizari, pace, profetii adeverite ????????‍♀️

Sunt aici sa fiu canal – pentru energia care curge catre voi, pentru a comunica pentru voi cu cei de dincolo, pentru a facilita corectiile/programele/vindecarea de care aveti nevoie SI PE CARE O CERETI de Sus, pentru a vedea ce se ascunde dincolo de iluzia mintii voastre, pentru a traduce vibratia cuvintelor si actiunilor voastre.

Si da, cei care au ramas langa mine (chiar daca nu m-au inteles, cel mai adesea) au avut un salt incredibil. Singurul compromis a fost .. sa suporte sa stea langa cineva pe care mintea lor nu il intelege. Pentru ca NU este vorba despre mine, ci despre ce vine PRIN mine de Sus. Eu nu fac nimic, doar SUNT pentru ce cereti.

Nu MINTEA voastra trebuie sa o inteleaga pe Alexandra, ci SUFLETUL vostru sa poata primi iubirea care vine prin mine (nu, nu e a mea .. e a Lui) ????????


Whatever your soul perceives in order to heal and evolve, is the reason I am here for. I allow the Divine flow through me.

It might sound complex, but I’ve been asking to be shown THE PATH for several weeks now. And it came to me through you all. It was overwelming: #love, #peace, #awareness, prophecies which came true, comunication with the ones who passed away.

I am here to be a channel: for the Divine energy that reaches you, for whatever you feel like telling to your loved ones who are no longer in the material world, for the corrections/programs/healing that you ask from God, for the clarity that hides behind the vail of illusions in your mind, for making you aware of your words and actions.

And yes, those who took the chance to travel with me on this journey made one incredible leap towards evolution. The only price they had to pay was to remain near someone whom their mind could not comprehend. Because it’s not about me, it’s about what flows through me from high above.

It’s not your mind that needs to understand Alexandra, but your soul. In this way you will receive the love that flows through me (and it’s not mine, it’s HIS).


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