De la 85 la 75

Am inceput sa lucrez cu C. Prima data in aprilie, la inceputul pandemiei. Dupa o luna cu evolutie incredibila, a renuntat.A revenit in octombrie 2020 si de atunci parcurgem drumul transformarii ei impreuna. In poze: Final de octombrie 2020: greutatea 85.1 kg si consum zilnic de aprox 850 kcal Final de februarie 2021: greutate 75 […]

25.02.2021/Vindecarea in unde Theta

Joi, ne adunam in grup restrans ca sa vindecam vindecam impreuna rani interioare sau boli pe corpul fizic.Este un workshop potrivit pentru tine daca:– suferi de boli cronice– vrei sa vindeci rani interioare– iti doresti echilibrul emotional– iti doresti sa evoluezi spiritual– vrei sa testezi terapia Theta Healing in grup– iti doresti sa constientizezi sursa […]

11.02.2021/Clasa Privata

La cererea catorva dintre voi, organizez o clasa privata (online si live – insa cu locuri limitate) in care vom discuta notiunile elementare despre radiestezie si in care va voi ghida in deschiderea inregistrarilor Akashice. Detalii la adresa love @ inspiria. ro

25.01.2021/Clasa Pilates core & abs

Ne vedem pentru aproximativ 45 de minute intense ca sa lucram core-ul si abdomenul.Detaliile intalnirii:– clasa se va tine online, fiecare participa de acasa. Aveti nevoie de salteluta, o tinuta lejera si talpile goale (sau sosete cu grip)– vom parcurge rutina de incalzire si stretching– pentru focussi lucru pe core & abdomen vom parcurge 3 […]

18.01.2021/Vindecarea copilului interior

Luni, 18 ianuarie 2020 ne intalnim sa vindecam copilul interior.Sunt acele rani care au fost create in copilarie si persista inca, ba mai mult, se manifesta in perioada varstei adulte.Sunt acele rani care ne obstacoleaza sa ne permitem sa fim in pace si echilibru pentru ca, la nivel interior activeaza stari si reactii care genereaza […]

Love the life

“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a […]


“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a […]

Everyday summer

“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a […]

Healhy morning

“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a […]

Delicious cookies

“Come, my head’s free at last!” said Alice in a tone of delight, which changed into alarm in another moment, when she found that her shoulders were nowhere to be found: all she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck, which seemed to rise like a stalk out of a […]

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